Monday, August 23, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

 Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Works
1.What painting would you like to commission?
2.Who would you like to be apprenticed to?
3.If you were rich, how many children would you have?
4.If your name was made using the place your birth, what would it be?
        __________ da __________
5.Leonardo was a genius in many fields. What is your best subject?
6.Do you think you would have learned more wandering the streets of your home town?
7.What is the best thing you made in your childhood? Life?
8.Medusa is scary. What image on a shield would scare you?
9.Who is the smartest man alive today?
10.What about nature is fascinating to you?
11.What is your hometown famous for?
12.What skill would you like to learn?
13.Do you take notes for yourself, or leave yourself messages to help you remember things?
14.Why do you think Leonardo da Vinci and Michealangelo hated each other?
15.What factors influenced your life most?
16.If you were an artist, what would your studio look like?
17.What is the best painting in the world?
18.Most artists are only appreciated after they die. How will you be remembered?
19.What junk do you have lying around at home that will be valuable in the future?
20.Who is the best renaissance artist?
21.What is the wealthiest and most influential city in the world today?
22.Do you feel like you belong here?
23.What advice do you have for others?
24.Who or what taught you the most about life?
25.Draw your self-portrait here:

Questions to Muse You

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Justin Beiber

My World
  1. How do you keep your hair looking so neat and tidy?
  2. What do you want to do on you tube to be discovered?
  3. What do you own that is platinum?
  4. What is the relationship between your mother and father like?
  5. Have you ever traveled by bus for a long time?
  6. How fast did your voice change during puberty?
  7. Who is your fashion coach?
  8. What does a streetwise guy look like?
  9. Who do you mimic the most?
  10. What girl or guy from your youth had to beat them off with a stick?
  11. Who is jealous of you and your success?
  12. When will you visit North Korea?
  13. What lies have been told about you?
  14. If you could meet anyone who would it be?
  15. What would you like to do in the Bahamas?
  16. What other video has been watched 300,000,000 times on the Internet?
Questions to Muse You

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Christopher Columbus

Magnificent Voyage of Christopher ColumbusYou Wouldn't Want to Sail With Christopher Columbus!: Uncharted Waters You'd Rather Not Cross (You Wouldn't Want to...)
  1. Which of your brothers is your right hand man?
  2. What advancements in travel have happened in your lifetime?
  3. Where would you like to be accepted as lord and master by the natives?
  4. What venture would you like to start with your family?
  5. If you had a contract and money before hand, what could you accomplish?
  6. Where have you traveled by dead reckoning?
  7. Do you smoke? Do you ever smoke cigars?
  8. Have you ever sent a message in a bottle?
  9. What do you do when you are in the doldrums?
  10. Has anyone complained to you that you did not give them enough money?
  11. What food is better to eat in the dark?
  12. What will God do to those who do not help you?
  13. How often do you go to church?
  14. who was the last person you said, "I told you so," to?
  15. How much sailing have you done?
  16. What has been your most dangerous trip?
  17. How could you be converted to Christianity?
  18. When is your day?
  19. Who has stolen your rightful dues from you?
  20. What magic trick have you used to impress others?
Questions to Muse You

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

William Shakespeare

 Complete Works of William Shakespeare. 154 Sonnets, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest, Julius Caesar, King ... Cressida, The Winter's Tale & more (mobi)
1.What poem is your favorite?
2.What is your life tragedy?
3.What is the most comical thing you have done?
4.If you only lived to 42 what would you accomplish?
5.Why would you marry a woman/man eight years older/younger than you?
6.What would you like to be famous for?
7.If fame made you rich what would you do with the money?
8.What role would you like to play in a movie?
9.What will you do after retirement?
10.If you left all your wealth to one person who would get it?
11.What curse would you leave for those who disturb your bones?
12.What actor today will be worshiped in the future?
13.Have you ever been a witness in court?
14.What social or political problems today would you like addressed in a movie?
15.Is your life more of a comedy or a tragedy?
16.What magic words do you say when mixing a potion?
17.Which character flaw of yours will most likely destroy you?
18.What would be the title of your first work?
19.Who do you collaborate with most often?
20.What will remain of your work in 400 years?
21.How many ways can you spell your name?
22.Who could you kill to better your rank in life?
23.What quote or saying do you use most often?
Questions to Muse You

Monday, August 16, 2010

Micheal Jackson

Michael Jackson 25th Anniversary of Thriller (CD+DVD)
  1. What kind of music video do you want to make?
  2. How many charities do you support?
  3. How do you get to sleep?
  4. How did your parents punish you as a child?
  5. What aspects of you are still childlike?
  6. Who pushed you into your success?
  7. Have you ever hurt yourself while dancing?
  8. With what skill are you so good you stand alone?
  9. Have you ever burned your hair?
  10. What would you say when meeting the president?
  11. What was your biggest investment?
  12. Haw are you like a vampire?
  13. What would you name a pet monkey?
  14. Stand up and do a voodoo dance?
  15. Haw does your religious group disapprove of you?
  16. Who do you want to leave you alone?
  17. What is your favorite charity?
  18. What will your dream house look like?
  19. Where are you king/queen?
  20. What is the best thing you have hung out the window for others to see?
  21. How will peoples view of you change after your death?
Questions to Muse You

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Tongue Anti War Quote Poster 24x36
  1. How often do you have a bad hair day?
  2. What prediction have you made that came true?
  3. The name Einstein is now used like genius. What does your name mean because of you?
  4. Have you been published?
  5. Which of your cousins would you most like to marry?
  6. How much alimony is enough?
  7. Would you give up citizenship to avoid army service?
  8. In what year of your like have you accomplished the most? (Have you had a miracle year?)
  9. What would you do with $1.4 million in Nobel Prize money?
  10. Why is your homeland after you?
  11. What part of your body would you like to preserve for posterity?
  12. Einstein too made mistakes. What is one of your "expert" mistakes?
  13. Einsteins refrigerator patent was bought by Electrolux and deliberately unused. What other inventions do you think have been buried?
  14. What scientific truth are you unhappy about and unwilling to accept?
  15. Einstein believed in an abstract impersonal God. What is your view?
  16. What are the evils of capitalism?
  17. Among other things Einstein has an element and a asteroid named after him. What would you like named after you?
  18. Who have you argued with the most?
  19. What happened to all the love letters you wrote?
  20. In what areas you development as a child were you slow? 
Questions to Muse You

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Elvis Presley

     Essential Elvis Presley
    1.Who is the cultural icon of your generation?
    2. What two musical styles would you like to fuse together?
    3. What prescription drugs do you take?
    4. What ever happened to your evil twin?
    5. Did your father ever do time?
    6. Have you ever taken charity from others?
    7. Do you have an Indian great great great grandmother?
    8. What did you want for your 11th birthday?
    9. What jobs did you do while you were in school?
    10. How many people have told you, you'll never make it?
    11. How has your nervousness helped you out?
    12. Elvis sang a cover for Blue Suede Shoes by Carl Perkins. What song would you like to sing a cover for on youtube?
    13. How are you a danger to the security of the USA?
    14. Who is your favorite star and where on your body do you want their autograph?
    15. When you rebelled against your parents, how did music help you?
    16. Who would you like to burn in effigy?
    17. Have you studied any martial arts?
    18. What movie would you like to star in?
    19. When did you stop listening to people around you and just do what you wanted?
    20. Who do you think is trying to kill you?
    Questions to Muse You